
You Don’t Know Until You Hand Him The Ball - By Mack Ade

Okay, we have taken the ‘El For President’ posters down from the new closed campaign headquarters. No, there will be no more press conferences. Yes, he did look like Alay Soler in that televised Yankee game.

By the time you read this, Elvin Ramirez will probably be back in Buffalo. Yes, he should be, but, no, he still deserved the past few days in NYC.

You can only do so much as a coach, trainer, pundit, or scout. You can sign them, send them up the levels if they excel, and when they run out of levels to excel at, the next step is the Bigs. It’s only then do you find out if they are ready both physically and mentally. You’ve probably guessed well on the physical because you have the stats in your hand. It’s the mental that’s the last step.

Picture Ramirez. One night, striking out some AAAA rag-tag in front of 3,000 shivering fans in Buffalo. Next, a sell-out at Yankee Stadium with Jeter staring you down. Not the same cup of tea.

What happens now is anybody’s guess. The Mets will give the kid another chance if he stats up well again in AAA, but will the Kid man up the next time he’s on the major bump?

Don’t know. No one knows.

We did our job.

It’s up to him now.

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